We are Humans First,
not data.
Defining The Path Forward.
Find Your Awareness.
Understand Big Tech’s cavalier approach to data collection
Discern natural curiosity from curated advertisement
Overcome perpetual engagement
Redirect on a healthy trajectory
Control Your Digital Data Footprint.
Learn how to safeguard against risky online habits and the services that fuel them
Identify the biggest drainers of your time and data
Explore tools for advanced security
Discover alternatives that prioritize user security and privacy.
Take Action.
Outsmart your devices’ most addictive features
Apply bite-size, actionable strategies for self-improvement
Analyze your online habits to transition from endless engagement to conscious interaction
Organizing yours apps and services into Productivity and Play categories to optimize time and attention
Lead the Way.
Master methods to set yourself up for success
Exemplify best practices
Act on established principles
Be an example to others by embracing the journey!